Before reading, I'd like to clarify that I do not know anything confirmed about the next playstation. By the way, you are probably going to see the letters P and S a whole lot. Also, if you don't want to read the post explaining things, summed up points are available at the bottom for those who TL;DR.
Ok, ever since news of a new Nintendo console broke out, I couldn't help but think about the next Playstation, the PS4. And from that resulted a list of what I'd like to see and expect in the next playstation, which needless to say, would be called the PS4.
-First off, backward compatibility with ps3 products. Not just PS3 games but of course PS3 controllers like the DualShock3, Sixaxis and PS Move (and NGP). Why? Well, of course for the pretty awesome PS3 exclusives BUT also to save cash. If the PS4 was backward compatible with PS3 controllers, gamers would be able to have enough cashola to buy games and not waste it on new controllers. Another being that loads of PS3 owners would be pissed seeing as their costly products wont be usable.
-Next that would probably be coming with the PS4 is a new digital format. Why? Well, the ps1's format was CDs, ps2's being DVDs and finally, ps3's with the well known Blu Ray. The common factor to all playstations throughout the years is that each Sony gaming console always differed itself. So, probably we'll be seeing a new digital format for the PS4.
-What I would also like to see in the PS4 is the PS3's current features but slightly improved. The XMB or Xross Media Bar should stay, seeing as most owners are already accustomed to the user interface. The feature to turn on/off the ps3 with the controller obviously should be available. An upgraded PS browser would also be nice to have, the current one is pretty...okay. PSN would most probably be free or fanboys will howl.
-Finally, what is probably the most obvious and wanted by any PS loyalists are new exclusives. Yes, the current exclusives are pretty awesome to play and own but new IPs are always good to have, especially if they are PS exclusives. I do have to admit I'd like to see some PS games to continue on,like Sly Cooper 4, Little Big Planet 3, Killzone 4 and the most sought after Kingdom Hearts 3, if it hasn't been released by then.
With that, I hope that most of the things I listed down in the post turn true someday. And if they do...I called it! Thanks for taking your time to read this and if you have anything to share or comment or criticise, please do.
TL;DR points:
-Backward Compatibility with PS3 stuff
-A new digital format, like Hologram Discs or sumfink
-Slightly upgraded XMB, better PS3 internet browser, on/off feature without touching the playstation, free PSN
-New exclusives and continuations to games such as SC, KZ, LBP and KH.
-This wasn't mentioned above but a non-cuboid shape playstation would be nice.
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