Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2012

Other Games 1 Comment Baking Life Upgradeable Ovens: Everything you need to know

Baking Life has been teasing us for time about their new upgradeable oven feature, and now we finally get to see it in action. This new feature allows players to upgrade each and every one of their ovens three times, unlocking some slick rewards. We have the full details here to help you maximize your baking experience and get the most out of your new oven upgrades in Baking Life. Read on for the guide!

Upgrading your ovens is a multiple step process. Each step requires you to either materials with Facebook Credits or ask for parts from your friends. The first oven upgrade is the Super Oven, which allows you to skip the preparation clicks when you're making your recipes. The second upgrade is the Fancy Oven, which bakes in one click and recipes will bake 5% faster and burn 5% slower. The third and final upgrade for each oven is the Super Fancy Oven, which bakes in one click, recipes bake 10% faster, burn 10% slower, and it will auto-clean after baking. If you've spent much time in Baking Life, you know what a time saver this will all be. So how do you do it?

There are two ways to access the upgrade oven process. The first is by clicking on the little icon at the top of your screen that looks like three tubes filled with different colored liquids. If you click this button, you will see a screen that prompts you to select which oven you would like to upgrade.

Baking Life Oven Upgrades
You can only have one oven going through the upgrade process at a time, so you should be sure to pick the oven that you definitely want to upgrade. Once you click on "select oven" your mouse cursor will change and you can click on one of your ovens to select it. After you do this, you'll see the Oven Upgrade Materials screen which shows you your progress and allows you to ask for or buy the required materials that you'll need.
Baking Life Oven Upgrades
Now you know the drill! Ask for items from friends or buy them outright with Facebook Credits. The biggest difference with this new buildable feature vs. other games is that you actually get a material simply for responding to a friend's request for help. This means that it's possible for you to complete your ovens simply by helping others. Pretty neat isn't it? We think so.

You can then upgrade each one of your ovens in this way, through multiple steps until all of your ovens are at their max. You can tell what stage your oven is at by looking at the little indicators over each oven. This will take a lot of time, so get to it!

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